
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hello everyone!

I've been completely MIA for the last few weeks, but with good reason. Our little family packed up and moved to Montana, and there was a 6 month wait for on base housing so we had to scramble to find an apartment for the time being. I am happy to say though, that we are now settled in our new place, and I'm even chugging away at NaNo.

Although, I am shamefully behind. This time last year I had already reached 50,000 words, and now I've barely crossed 13,000. But I will finish! It's on my Bucket List.

I think its number 17: Complete NaNoWriMo 11 years in a row.

I won last year, so I'd better keep the momentum going!

I decided to restart The Blood Train for NaNo. I know that's sort of cheating, but I started it over from the very beginning in a brand new document, so that's got to count for something.

I'll probably end up cutting out most of what I write, but there's always that brilliant line, or twist you never expected that makes the whole process so, so worth it.

So, are you doing NaNo? What are you writing about? How are you doing?

Do you even know what the heck I'm talking about?

Have a great day, and happy writing everyone!


  1. Welcome back! I just visited your blog last night because I hadn't heard from you in a while. Glad everything is going well and hope you get settled soon. Moving is so hard.

    And kudos on attempting NaNo with all that happening! I've got two WIP, but it is slow going. I have my main MS out to readers right now and I'm waiting for feedback, then I'm querying like a mad woman. I'd still love another reader or two if you're ever interested!

  2. Good to see you back in the zone! Good luck with NaNo!
