
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh, distraction... We're old friends, you and I...

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, full of hot chocolate, crackling fires, and shredded snowman wrapping paper. :-) I know I did!

I'm shamefully behind on every little thing that makes me feel productive (ie writing, reading, cleaning, etc) and I had a plan to get back on track. I knew what I was going to accomplish, I had my priorities set (namely to finish reading chapters for the wonderful Jenny Kaczoroski.) It was all going to work out a certain way...

Then... The Scorpio Races happened...

I blame my husband. If he hadn't picked it up for me for Christmas maybe I would have gotten something done! But no. I sat down and read all of it, pausing only for food, and bathroom breaks. I effectively lost a full 24 hours to Puck and Sean.

By the way, its an amazing book. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you use some of your Christmas money, or allowance, or next paycheck, whatever you need to and go pick yourself up a copy. Maggie Stiefvater is a genius. Pure and simple. I laughed, I cried, I wished water horses were real things, even with their razor sharp teeth and bad habit of drowning people in the ocean. Regardless, It was awesome.

In other news, my short attention span has forced me to move onto yet another WIP. Upside, by the time I loop around and finish all of them, I'll have about seven finished manuscripts. Downside, I'm still no closer to actually finishing anything right now.


So what about you? Did you get any AWESOME reads for Christmas? Are you a fan of The Scorpio Races?

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 12, 2011

When Life Gets in the Way...

I've been thinking lately about intentions, and how they almost never mirror real life. This month I intended to make up for the shame that was my 20,000 words in NaNo, finish unpacking, get all my Christmas shopping done, and settle into a calm little holiday routine.

Instead, December seems even more shameful as far as word counts than November, I'm still not completely finished shopping, and although I'm finished unpacking, it turns out were most likely going to move on base as soon as a house opens up, which means I'll have to start all over! Ugh! Will anything work out?

Yes! It will! Because amongst the chaos, and the new city and new friends, we will also be welcoming a new baby into the world this summer.

No matter how great your goals or intentions are, there will always be something wonderful waiting around the corner when things start to seem out of hand. Whether it's concerning your writing, your family, or life in general, you always have to be on the lookout for the unexpected-and AMAZING- things coming your way.

Happy Holidays everyone, and in case life gets in the way again and I'm missing from the blogging world, Happy New Year too!!
