
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heat Wave

Holy Moses,

I know I've been craving real summer weather to hit us, but apparently, I didn't know what I was asking for. One day it was a somewhat chilly sixty degrees, and then next day it's bordering on a hundred! Unfortunately, tomorrow is going to be even hotter, and two standing fans, a table fan and all kinds of closed up curtains aren't enough to keep the heat at bay.

My computer even seems to be affected, which is the strongest of my annoyances. I'll be putting dishes away, mulling over the scene I'm going to write next and how I'm going to write it, when I'm struck with an idea! And, not any idea but a burst of inspiration that just begs to be written. So of course, as soon as I turn on the computer (a laptop that's on its last leg) it wheezes to life, overheats within ten minutes and shuts down mid sentence.

Of course by the time I'm done griping about the point of having a computer if you cant use it, I forget most of my wonderful, flawless scene I envisioned. Even when I dig around for paper and try to scribble down the scraps of my idea, the magic is lost.

Observation of the day: Heat, inspiration, and bad luck is the worst combination.

Tomorrow I'm heading straight for the notebook and purple pen. Just goes to show you that technology isn't always your best friend... or acquaintance... or even friendly stranger.

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